Celeste Cruz and Amber Vanderpol are starting an online video/voice discussion group to discuss Charlotte Mason’s 2nd Volume, Parents and Children. If you’ve listened to the Scholé Sisters podcast Amber did with Brandy, you’ll recognize what we’re talking about.
We’re planning on meeting once a month on the third Thursday at 8 p.m. for about an hour. We’ll use an online video/voice app called zoom.us to have a live discussion about the assigned chapters. You can join us via video if you have a webcam, or via voice using a call in number. We are not planning on recording our discussions, so there won’t be an option to listen to the discussion later.
We’re planning on reading two chapters a month (approx. 20-25 pages), and our discussion should take 13 months. If possible, we’d like for participants to contribute $1/month for a total of $13 to help cover the cost of the online meeting room. If we subscribe to the service, we won’t have to interrupt our conversation halfway through to change meeting rooms.
The first discussion will take place on Thursday, June 16th at 8 p.m. and we will be discussing the first two chapters:
Chapter 1 The Family
Chapter 2 Parents As Rulers
We want to keep the conversation tied closely to the chapters we are reading, so we are hoping to find some people who will be willing to keep up with the readings and come to the online discussions. After all, if people don’t come, we can’t have a conversation!
We are limiting the group size so we will all have a chance to participate in the conversation but we’re looking for a few more people to join us. If you’re interested, please contact Amber soon!